VA Loan Flipping Rules

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Real Estate

Did you know you could possibly use your VA loan to flip a home?

VA Loan Flipping Rules

The VA occupancy requirements require the VA home buyer to live in the property they are purchasing. This means that flipping a home with a VA Loan is technically possible, as long as the basic VA guidelines are followed. This includes the home being in good enough shape to pass a VA appraisal before closing.


There isn't a rule that the client must live in the primary structure. They could live in a guest house or RV on the property while the main house is being renovated - but make sure there aren't HOA rules or local laws that prevent this.


In summary, it is allowed to flip a home using a VA loan as long as the client lives on the property while doing it. This is called a "live-in flip".


Since VA-guaranteed mortgages have no minimum property ownership period, the home can be sold whenever the client would like after the flipping is done. Some lenders may have a minimum occupancy period, so ensure your client carefully reads over the terms of their mortgage.


Informational info only.  Information is from:

Veterans United Home Loans.  Always contact your lender when looking to flip homes.